The Heavy – The Glorious Dead


If I had to describe this album quickly… English Black Keys with a bit more funk and soul. There you go. That is a the review. NO I can’t end it without saying that it is totally awesome and I am IN LOVE with it. A huge part of my job here at the station is to listen to music on music on music. I have developed a good sense of what is awesome and what is junk. It doesn’t take long for me to know I am absolutely in love with something or if I hate it. As soon as I popped this CD into our stereo here, I knew it was ballin’. This is Heavy’s third album.. but the first I am hearing of. I am going to have to check out their other stuff, but from what I read, this album is the most soulful out of all of their others. It was recorded in Georgia.. shout out to the SOUTH… My favorite tracks off this album ARE… “What Makes a Good Man”, “Curse Me Good” and “Same Ol'”. RIYL Wolfmother & The Black Keys.


Give it a listen!!
